Since January 2017
Working in the Global Competence Center Functional Safety at SGS TÜV Saar GmbH as Safety & Security Expert.
- Functional Safety Assessments in the Automotive and Semiconductor Industries
- ISO 26262 Functional Safety trainings
- ISO/SAE 21434 and IEC 62443 Cybersecurity trainings and assessments
- Semiconductor specific ISO 26262 trainings
- Security for Safety (S4S) consulting
From January 2013 to December 2016
Worked in the competence field Functional Safety at Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik und Mobilität .
- Safety Engineering and safety analysis support
- ISO 26262 and ISO 25119 trainings
- Committee work
- Functional Safety Assessments according to ISO 26262 (Automotive) and ISO 25119 (Agriculture) standards
- Support and consulting for the development of safety-critical systems and applications
From May 2007 to December 2012
Worked at TÜV NORD at the Institut für Fahrzeugtechnik und Mobilität in the department Electronics & IT competence field Communication Engineering. Some major tasks were
- Project Management in the area Conformance Testing of FlexRay communication controllers
- Protocol Engeneering in various FlexRay related projects
- Team Management in development of test controller software
- Paper studies for major companies in the automitive industry
- Analysis of fault-tolerance properties of automotive systems and networks according to ISO 26262 and related
- Development of a compiler for high-level test scripting
From May 2001 to April 2007
Doctoral student at the University of Duisburg-Essen at the department of Dependability of Computing Systems .
The main reasearch interest was real-time and fault-tolerant fieldbus protocols (especially time-triggered protocols). In my doctoral thesis A Fault-tolerant Dynamic Time-triggered Protocol I developed a time-triggered fieldbus protocol which allows dynamic arbitration while being fully fault-tolerant and participated in the following courses as scientific assistant:
- Programmieren (Programming)
- Nebenläufiges Rechnen (Concurrent computing)
- Fehlertoleranz von Hardware und Software (Fault-tolerance of hardware and software)
At that time I gained substential experience in programming in Java, Verilog and Haskell.
Besides I wrote several reports on FlexRay related topics in the area of specification, fault-tolerance and parameterisation for major companies in the automotive and avionic field.
From April 2001 to June 2004
Participated in the FlexRay Analysis (FAN) project together with the FlexRay-Consortium from April 2001 to July 2004. This project aimed to find potential weaknesses in the fault-tolerance of the FlexRay protocol. This task included:
- Modelling a FlexRay network in SDL
- Investigations using state space exploration
- Paper studies
- Simulations
I was also responsible for the administration of a the computer cluster for validation and simulation and the revision management.
From June 1999 to March 2001
Worked as Software Engineer at the Informatik Centrum Dortmund (ICD) in the department Software Engineering. I participated in develpment of a customer management system for public transport with Visual C++ and Oracle DB on Windows NT.
From October 1991 to April 1999
Studies in Computer Science at the University of Dortmund with second subject Philosophy.