Publications and presentations
Safe & Secure - A Design Perspecitve
Dr. Jens Christian Lisner, Karol NiewiadomskiMarch, 15th 2018
ISO 26262 - Improving Safety of Advanced Mobility
A Holistic Approach to ISO 26262, Safety of the Intended Functionality (SOTIF) and Security
Dr. Jens Christian Lisner, Tobias OlschewskiMay, 10th 2016
Functional Safety Meets ADAS Conference
Herausforderung Security und Safety
Dr. Jens Christian LisnerEmbedded Software Engineering Kongress 2015, Tagungsband, pp. 573 - 576
Safe and Secure - Security Requirements and the ISO 26262
Dr. Jens Christian LisnerSeptember, 22nd 2015
ASQF Safety & Security Day Rhein-Main
De-mystifying Software Component Qualification - interpretation and experiences
Dr. Jens Christian LisnerISO 26262
EUROFORUM 7th Annual Conference, September, 15th 2015
Dependent failure analysis: Terms, challenges and approaches
Dr. Jens Christian Lisner5th International Conference Applying ISO 26262
IQPC Berlin, March, 24th 2015
Verräterisches Her(t)z
Audio-Analyse der Pause zwischen TastenanschlägenBernhard Fechner, Jens Christian Lisner
die datenschleuder #97 / 2014
Safetyanalysen für sicherheitsrelevante Software nach ISO 26262
Dr. Jens Lisner, Dr. Thomas WenzelEmbedded Software Engineering Kongress 2011, Tagungsband, pp. 101 - 105
Definitely Safe - MOST150 for safety related applications
(Mit Sicherheit - MOST150 in sicherheitskritischen Anwendungen)Dr. Jens Lisner, Johannes Specht
Elektronik automotive - Special issue MOST, March 2010
A Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Time-Triggered Protocol
Jens Christian LisnerLogos Verlag Berlin GmbH 2008
(also available online at the publisher's)
Ein einfaches Modell zur Fehlerfortpflanzung
Diskussionskreis FehlertoleranzFernuniversität Hagen, December, 4th 2006
Scheduling in a Time-Triggered Protocol with Dynamic Arbitration
Jens Christian LisnerIEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics; ISIE 2005, Proceedings Volume I-IV, 2005
Slides (short Version)
Efficiency of Dynamic Arbitration in TDMA-based Protocols
Jens Christian LisnerEuropean Dependable Computing Conference EDCC 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3463, Springer Verlag, 2005; pp. 91 - 102
A Flexible Slotting Scheme for TDMA-based Protocols
Jens Christian LisnerARCS 2004 "Organic and Perversive Computing"; Augsburg, Proceedings, GI Edition, 2004, pp. 54 - 65
Slides (ARCS04 in Augsburg; german)
Slides (Fehlertoleranzkreis in Essen; german)
Fehlertolerante Uhrensynchronisation
Jens LisnerWirtschaftsforum 10, Universität Essen, October, 24th 2002
Fault-tolerance of the FlexRay Clock Synchronization
Klaus Echtle, Jens Christian LisnerPaper study as part of the FAN (FlexRay Analysis) project for the FlexRay Consortium, September 2002
FAN Analysis
Dipl.-Inform. Jens Christian LisnerFlexRay International Workshop, München, April, 16th 2002
Entwurf eines TTP/C-Feldbusmodells mit der Spezifikationssprache SDL
Patrik Kessler, Jens Christian LisnerTechnischer Bericht Nr. 5, Universität Essen, August 2001
Genetisches Programmieren zur Verhaltensoptimierung von Artificial-Life-Agenten
Jens Christian LisnerUniversität Dortmund, July 1998
Philia (source code) (extended)
(original version developed by the Philia PG team members)